
Regulations on the Management of Medical Experiment Course for MBBS Students
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Regulations on the Management of Medical Experiment Course for MBBS Students

1. Students shall abide to the teachers’ guidance. Do not arrive late, leave early and be absent without the teachers’ permission. If he/she comes late even 1 minute after class starts, it is considered as lateness; if he/she is late for 15 and more minutes, that is absence, who cannot attend the experiment.

2. Students shall not do any activities unrelated with teaching in the classroom during class such as eating, smoking, talking loudly or chasing one another. Please do not play cell phone without the permission of the teachers.

3. Students shall follow the schedule they are given, attend the laboratory/the clinical rotation at hospital on time and strictly follow the rules and regulations of laboratory/the clinical rotation at hospital. Students are requested to take part in the laboratory activities/clinical rotation actively and complete the laboratory reports/clinical rotation records on time.

4. Students shall wear a long sleeved white coat which is up to the knee length during laboratory and clinical rotation. The students shall do good jobs for safety protection during the rotation, such as putting on long trousers, shoes which properly cover the feet, gloves, masks, surgical caps and so on.

5. Students shall be strictly advised to use the operative instruments, equipment and/pharmaceutical agents according to the instructions given by the teacher/doctor in charge. It’s strictly forbidden for students to take hazardous substances, radioactive and toxic substances out of the laboratory. Once verified, students shall be at their own risk.

6. During experiments/clinical rotation, if any articles specimen and instrument are damaged, students shall report to the teacher/doctor in-charge immediately and compensate the loss.

7 After finishing the experiment/rotation, the students shall clean and return all the articles and instruments they used during the experiment/rotation. Before leaving the laboratory, students should help teachers put articles and experimental tools in order. Waste materials shall be discarded in trash bin and the laboratory shall be kept clean.

8. Students shall take the experiment seriously. It is forbidden to copy others’ lab data. Once it is confirmed, both sides will get Zero for the experiment.

1. 学生应服从教师的管理,不得迟到、早退、缺勤。上课时间过后即算迟到,迟到15分钟即算旷课,不得进入实验室。

2. 上课期间不得在教室内进行饮食、吸烟及使用手机等与教学无关的活动,不得在实验室追逐打闹。





7. 实验或实习结束后,清点、清洁并放好所有物品,打扫卫生、妥善处理分类垃圾、动物尸体和废弃物品。


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