
Rules for the Implementation of Students’ Disciplinary Action in Shandong University
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山东大学学生违纪处分实施细则 (201791日起执行)

Rules for the Implementation of Students’Disciplinary Action in Shandong University (Effective September 1st, 2017)

General Rules

第一条 为了保障学生合法权益,促进学生健康成长,建设优良的学习、生活环境,维护学校正常的教学和生活秩序,根据《中华人民共和国教育法》《中华人民共和国高等教育法》《普通高等学校学生管理规定》(教育部令第41号)等法律法规和《山东大学章程》及其他有关规定,结合我校的实际情况,制定本细则。

Article 1 In order to guarantee students’ legitimate rights , promote students’ healthy development , construct sound environment for learning and living orderly, in accordance with the Education Law of the People’s Republic of China, Higher Education Law of the People’s Republic of China, Provisions on the Administration of University Students (No. 41 order of Ministry of Education) and other relevant laws and regulations, Rules of Shandong University and other relevant regulations and the reality of Shandong University, these Rules for the Implementation are made.

  1. 本细则适用于在校接受普通高等学历教育的研究生和本科学生。学生在读期间,无论在校内或校外有违纪行为的,均按照本细则执行。

Article 2 These rules are applicable to undergraduates and postgraduates students receiving higher education in China. During the study period, students who commit any form of violation whether in the university or otherwise, shall be executed according to these Rules.

  1. 学生违反校规校纪,根据情节轻重、认错态度、悔改表现等,给予下列处分:

Article 3 International students who violate the disciplines of Shandong University, in accordance with the seriousness, willingness of acknowledging mistakes, repentance and other aspects, shall be given the following punishments:






A. Warning

B. Serious warning

C. Recording a demerit

D. Academic probation

E. Academic dismissal and expulsion


Punishment of warning, serious warning and record a demerit which usually last for 6 months; academic probation which usually last for 12 months. The duration of the punishment is counted from the day that the final orders are assigned.


During the period, students who are absent from the university for a number of reasons, the absent time will not be counted.


Students, who commit any act of violation, but minor, may not be given punishment according to the clauses above, but shall receive a notice of criticism from their colleges (school/department) in order to urge them to correct their mistakes. If necessary, the university may directly circulate a notice of criticism to students violating the disciplinary rules.

  1. 受处分者,同时受到下列处理:

Article 4 Students, who have received disciplinary actions, shall be given the following punishments at the same time:

  1. 处分期内取消其所有评优评奖资格;



A. Their qualification for appraisal or award shall be canceled during the disciplinary period.

B. Their award for degree shall be resolved according to the relevant regulations.

C. Otherwise specified, they shall be resolved according to other regulations.

  1. 有下列情节之一,可以从轻、减轻或免予处分:





Article 5 Students who admits to any of the following acts shall be given a lighter, alleviated or remitted punishment:

A. Students who admit their mistakes voluntarily, confess their mistakes, profoundly recognize their mistakes and show the willingness to correct their mistakes.

B. Students who are coerced.

C. Students who can report or expose others’ violation actions on their own initiative and actively help to investigate problem or conduct other meritorious performances.

  1. 有下列情节之一,应从重处分:

  2. 违纪后拒不承认错误或包庇他人违纪行为的;







Article 6 Students who refuse to admit to any of the following acts shall be given a heavier punishment:

A. Students who commit violations but do not admit or cover up others’ violations.

B. Students who refuse to cooperate in any ways or retaliate or threat relevant staff.

C. Students who collude with off-campus personnel violating university’s disciplines and rules.

D. Students whose off-campus activity violates the discipline.

E. Students who are the leader or the organizer of a group violation.

F. Students who had received punishments.

G. Students who’s other actions that shall be given a heavier punishment.

  1. 处分违纪学生的权限:



Article 7 The authority which gives punishment to students:

A. It is the Students Disciplinary Committee to give the punishments of warning, serious warning, record a demerit and academic probation.

B. It is the Students Disciplinary Committee to give suggestions on the punishment of academic dismissal and then report to the president office to obtain the final decisions.

  1. 处分违纪学生的程序:

Article 8 The procedure of the treatment of students violating the disciplinary rules:






A. Any disciplinary violation of students found by other relevant departments of Shandong University within its jurisdiction shall be investigated thoroughly without delay and reported to the Security department and with the relevant materials delivered to the administrative department of student’s affairs if necessary.

B. After receiving the materials, the administrative departments of student’s affairs need to notify the college (centers or institutions) where the students belong to obtain further verification. During the investigation, the college (centers or institutions) shall listen to the statement and justification of the students.

C. For the violation whose fact has been fully proved, the college (centers or institutions) shall give their suggestions to the administrative department of student’s affairs. For the violation concern, the different colleges (centers or institutions), the administrative department of student’s affairs shall directly make the final decisions after coordination.

D. After the suggestions for treatment are proposed, the university shall give the students the notification of the suggestions for treatment, show the fact, reasons and evidence and tell the students that they have the rights to give statement and justification.

E. After the administrative department of student’s affairs gives suggestions to the Students’ Disciplinary Committee, the students, who dissent with the suggestions, can put forward their statement and justification to the Students’ Disciplinary Committee, and who will, according to the relevant regulations, gives the decisions of the treatment.

  1. 学生所受到的纪律处分均以学校名义出具处理决定,并由学生所在院(中心、所)送达学生本人,由学生本人在处分决定书送达回证上签字。受开除学籍处分的,同时向省教育厅报备。学生拒绝签收的,可以以留置方式送达;学生已离校的,可以采取邮寄方式送达;学生难于联系的,可以利用学校网站、新闻媒体等以公告方式送达.

Article 9 Disciplinary punishment of students shall be given in the name of the school, which will be sent to students by their college (centers or institutions) and then sign their name on the receipt. Students who have received academic dismissal shall be reported to the provincial education department. Students, who refuse to sign the receipt, whose receipt may be sent in a lien way. Students who have left school and whose receipt may be sent by post. Students who are difficult to contact and the decision to whom, may be proclaimed on the school’s website or news media.

第十条 处分决定要及时在全校范围内公布。需通知亲属的,由院(中心、所)负责告知。涉及国家秘密、商业秘密、个人隐私等情况的除外。

Article 10 The final order shall be published timely within the whole school. If it is necessary to inform student’s relatives, their college (center, institution) would be responsible for that, except if involving national secret, trade secret and personal privacy.

第十一条 处分期满,经学生本人申请、院(中心、所)审核、学校学生违纪处理委员会批准,处分可按期解除。


Article 11 With the expiration of the disciplinary period, the punishment could be removed on time after students’ application, college (center, institution) audit and Students Disciplinary Committee.

Punishment for graduating students could be removed ahead by procedure, if the time from the final order to graduation is less than the disciplinary period.

第十二条 下列各项证据,经过查证核实后,可以作为处分违纪学生的依据:










Article 12 The following proof can be evidence for punishing disciplinary students after verifying:

  1. Documentary evidence

  2. Physical evidence

  3. Witness testimony

  4. Statements of the parties

  5. Audio-visual material

  6. Interview records

  7. Illustrative materials provided by concerning departments

  8. Expert conclusion made by authority according to law

  9. Other materials

第十三条 受留校察看处分的学生,再次违纪达记过以上的,给予开除学籍处分。屡次违反学校规定受到纪律处分,经教育不改的,可以给予开除学籍处分。


Article 13 Students who have received academic probation shall be given academic dismissal if they have received the punishment recording a demerit, or above, for a second time. Students who have received disciplinary punishment for disobeying the regulations many times and made no correction after warning shall be given the punishment of academic dismissal.

Students who have received academic dismissal should apply for leaving procedure within ten (10) days from receiving the final order from the school. Any student who fails to do so will be handled by the designated person and put on the record.

  1. 违纪学生的处分文书及《山东大学学生处分解除审批表》,应当真实完整地归入学校文书档案和本人档案。

Article 14 The writ of the disciplinary students and Application Form of Student’s Punishment Removal in Shandong University will be placed in the school documentary archives and personal archives.

第十五条 受处分学生的申诉:


Article 15 Appeal of disciplinary students:

If students have some objection to their punishment, they can appeal to the Students Appeal Committee according to the Approach to Students Appeal in Shandong University within ten (10) days after receiving the final order.

Specific Provisions

第十六条 学生不得有反对四项基本原则的言论和行为,不得从事非法的社会、政治、宗教活动,不得泄漏国家秘密。有下列情形之一者,视其情节,给予警告直至开除学籍处分:

Article 16 All students should not conduct remarks and behaviors that are against Four Fundamental Principles, not be engaged in any illegal social, political, or religious activities, not disclose any state secrets. Students, under any of following circumstances, shall be given the punishment of warning, or above to academic dismissal according to the seriousness of the cases:

  1. 违反《中华人民共和国集会游行示威法》或其他有关法律法规,组织、参加未经批准的集会、游行、示威活动,组织、策划或参与扰乱社会秩序或破坏学校管理秩序、从事破坏安定团结活动的;

A. Violating the Law of The People's Republic of China on Assemblies, Processions and Demonstrations or other relevant laws or regulations; organizing or participating in any unapproved assemblies, processions or demonstrations; organizing, plotting or participating in any activities that disturb social order or university’s management order; taking part in activities that sabotage stability and unity.


B. Publishing or disseminating illegal periodicals; posting or distributing posters, or in other ways, intending to spread reactionary statements, confuse the public or create chaos.

  1. 领导、组织、参与非法社会团体或组织,从事非法活动的;

C. Leading, organizing or participating in any illegal social groups or organizations that are engaged in illegal activities.

  1. 组织、参与邪教、封建迷信活动的;

D. Organizing or participating in heresy or feudalistic and superstitious activities.

  1. 在学校进行宗教活动的;

E. Conducting religious activities in the university.

  1. 泄漏国家秘密的。

F. Disclosing any state secrets.

  1. 对违反法律、法规者,给予以下处分:

Article 17 Students who violate the laws or regulations shall be given the following punishments:

  1. 违反法律、法规,被司法或行政机关认定,但不予处罚者,视其情节,给予严重警告以上处分;

A. Students who violate the laws or regulations which are confirmed by the judicial or executive authority but not to be punished, shall be given serious warning, or above, according to the circumstances.


B. Students who violate Chinese laws and regulations and receive administrative punishments shall be given punishment of, or above, recording a demerit; who constitute a criminal offense and be investigated for criminal responsibility shall be given an academic dismissal.

  1. 对打架斗殴的,视其情节,给予以下处分:

Article 18 Students, who get into a fight or a brawl, shall be given the following punishments according to the circumstances:

  1. 引发事端或激化矛盾,情节严重的,给予警告以上处分;

A. Student, who trigger disorder or intensify contradiction, shall be given punishment of, or above, warning for severe circumstances.


B. Students who hit others and cause an injury or slight injury shall be given punishment of, or above, serious warning.

  1. 殴打他人致轻伤的,给予记过以上处分;

C. Students who hit others and cause a minor injury, shall be given punishment of, or above, recording a demerit.

  1. 殴打他人致重伤的,给予留校察看以上处分;

D. Students who hit others and cause a serious injury, shall be given punishment of, or above, academic probation.

  1. 结伙殴打他人的,予以从重处分;

E. Students who team up to hit others, shall be given a heavier punishment

  1. 因打架斗殴导致人身伤害或财产损失的,除受到相应纪律处分外,还应对受害者进行经济赔偿。

F. Students who are involved in a fight or a brawl causing personal injury or property loss, except taking the corresponding disciplinary action, shall pay the monetary damage of the victim.

  1. 从事非法传销活动的,视其情节,给予警告以上处分。

Article 19 Students, who are engaged in illegal pyramid selling, shall be given the punishment of, or above, warning according to the circumstances.

第二十条 以各种手段非法占有国家、集体和个人合法财物,或有其他盗窃、欺骗行为的,视其情节给予下列处分:

Article 20 Students who illegally detinue the legal property of the country, the collectives or individuals, or conduct any actions of theft or fraud, shall be punished according to the circumstances:

  1. 盗窃、诈骗、抢夺、敲诈勒索公私财物的,视其情节,给予记过以上处分;

A. Students, who steal, defraud, rob or racketeer public or private properties, shall be given the punishment of, or above, recording a demerit according to the circumstances.


B. Students who illegally possess missing goods shall be given the punishment of, or above, warning according to the circumstances.

  1. 盗窃公章、保密文件、档案等物品的,视其情节,给予留校察看以上处分。

C. Students who steal objects such as official seal, confidential documents or archives, shall be given the punishment of, or above, academic probation according to the circumstances.

第二十一条 故意损坏公私财物的,除按价赔偿经济损失外,根据损坏财物的价值以及情节,给予警告以上处分。

Article 21 Students who deliberately destroy public or private properties, shall not only indemnify the economic losses, but shall be given the punishment of, or above, warning according to the value of the properties and the circumstances.

第二十二条 违反网络安全有关管理规定的,分别给予以下处分:

Article 22 Students, who violate relevant management regulations of the Internet security, shall be given the following punishments.

  1. 登录非法网站,传播非法文字、音频、视频资料,编造或传播虚假、有害信息,发表不当言论,影响社会稳定,有损国家利益或学校和他人合法权益的,视情节给予记过以上处分;

A. Students who illegally login in illegal website, disseminate illegal literal, audio or video data, make up or disseminate fake or harmful information, or give inappropriate remarks, which affect social stability or is harmful to national, university’s or others interests, shall be given the punishment of, or above, recording a demerit according to the circumstances.


B. Students who disclose or disseminate country’s secrets, commercial confidential information or others’ privacy, shall be given the punishment of, or above, recording a demerit according to the circumstances.

  1. 制造计算机病毒、利用各种黑客软件和公共互联网攻击程序等不良手段,对他人使用计算机和网络造成影响和破坏的,视其情节给予记过以上处分;

C. Students who manufacture computer virus and utilize unscrupulous means such as any kind of Hacker software or Internet intrusion program, which cause effect and damage to others’ computer or the Internet, shall be given the punishment of, or above, recording a demerit according to the circumstances.

  1. 未经同意使用他人账号、恶意欠费给学校或他人造成损失的,除赔偿经济损失外,视情节给予记过以上处分;

D. Students who use other people’s account without permission or malice arrearage which cause damage to the university or other people, shall not only indemnify the economic losses, but shall be given punishment of, or above, recording a demerit according to the value of the properties and the circumstances.

  1. 利用网络侮辱他人人格或进行人身攻击的,给予严重警告以上处分;

E. Students who use Internet to insult other people’s character or make personal abuse shall be given the punishment of, or above, serious warning.

  1. 有违反网络安全法律法规其他情形的,视其情节,给予严重警告以上处分。

F. Students who violate the laws and regulations of the Internet security shall be given the punishment of, or above, serious warning according to the circumstances.

第二十三条 违反学校学生住宿管理规定,视其情节,给予警告以上处分。

Article 23 Students, who violates the regulations in the student’s accommodation, shall be given the punishment of, or above, warning according to the circumstances.

第二十四条 违反校园消防和安全管理规定的,视其情节,给予警告以上处分。

Article 24 Students, who violates the regulations on fire control and security, shall be given the punishment of, or above, warning according to the circumstances.

第二十五条 违反公民道德、有悖社会公序良俗和大学生行为准则,有损大学生形象的给予下列处分:

Article 25 Students, who violates civil morality, social order and good custom and standard of conduct of the university students, shall be punished as follows:

  1. 侮辱、诽谤或恐吓他人的,视其情节,给予警告以上处分;

A. Students who insults, defame or threaten other people, shall be given the punishment of, or above, warning according to the circumstances.


B. Students who hinder national or university’s staff to perform official business shall be given the punishment of, or above, warning according to the circumstances.

  1. 冒用学校或他人名义,侵害学校或他人利益的,视其情节,给予记过以上处分;

C. Students who illegally use the name of the university or other people, which infringe the University and of other people’s interests, shall be given the punishment of, or above, recording a demerit according to the circumstances.

  1. 传播、复制、贩卖非法书刊和音像制品的,视其情节,给予记过以上处分;

D. Students who disseminates copy or sell illegal books and periodicals and audio and video products, shall be given the punishment of, or above, recording a demerit according to the circumstances.

  1. 伪造、涂改、转借证件或个人信息、材料,伪造、变造公章,假冒身份实施欺骗行为的,视情节和后果给予记过以上处分;

E. Students, who counterfeit, obliterate or borrow credentials or personal information and material, counterfeit or alter official seal, or use false identities to commit fraud, shall be given the punishment of, or above, recording a demerit according to the consequences and the circumstances.

  1. 有其他违反公民道德、有损大学生形象的,视其情节,给予警告以上处分。

F. Students who violate civic virtue which diminish the image of the university student’s, shall be given the punishment of, or above, warning according to the circumstances.

第二十六条 违反课堂纪律,扰乱教学秩序,无故旷课的,视其情节,给予警告以上处分。

Article 26 Students, who violates classroom disciplines, disturb normal teaching schedules or conduct unexcused absences, shall be given the punishment of, or above, warning according to the circumstances.

第二十七条 未经批准擅自离校的,视情节给予以下处分:

Article 27 Students, who leave the university without authorization, shall be given the following punishment according to the circumstances:

  1. 擅自离校连续3日以内的,给予警告处分;

A. Students, who leave the university without authorization for 3 days in succession, shall be given the punishment of warning.


B. Students, who leave the university without authorization for more than 3 days, but less than 6 days in succession, shall be given the punishment of warning.

  1. 擅自离校连续6日以上9日以下的,给予记过处分;

C. Students, who leave the university without authorization for more than 6 days, but less than 9 days in succession, shall be given the punishment of recording a demerit.

  1. 擅自离校连续9日以上14日以下的,给予留校察看处分;

D. Students, who leave the university without authorization for more than 9 days, but less than 14 days in succession, shall be given the punishment of academic probation.

  1. 擅自离校连续14日以上的,可以给予开除学籍处分。

E. Students, who leave the university without authorization for more than 14 days in succession, shall be given the punishment of academic dismissal.


Students who have, however, already asked for written request of leave, still overstay and not come back to the university, if they do not register on time or process the relevant formalities, shall be treated according to the clauses above. Statutory holidays are not counted in the days in succession.

第二十八条 不遵守考场纪律,不服从考务人员管理及其它扰乱考场秩序行为的,视其情节给予警告以上处分。

Article 28 Students who disobey disciplines of examination, do not subject to the arrangement of exam personnel or conduct other actions that disturb the order of examination, shall be given the punishment of, or above, warning according to the circumstances.

第二十九条 违反考试纪律的,视其情节,给予下列处分:

Article 29 Students, who violates the examination disciplines, shall be given the following punishments according to the circumstances:

  1. 未将与考试有关的书籍、笔记等资料存放指定位置的,携带小抄进入考场的,考前在课桌上或其他地方抄写与考试有关的内容的,考试中交头接耳或擅自传递考试用品经提醒不予改正的,给予记过处分;

A. Students who do not put any materials such as books and notes away in the specified position, bring cheat sheet into the classroom, write relevant information on desks or other places before the examination, whisper to others during the examination or pass examination equipment without authorization and ignore the warning, shall be given the punishment of recording a demerit.


B. Students who flip or copy the content of books, notes, materials, cheat sheet or other people’s answers, exchange examination papers, answer sheets or scratch sheets, exchange paper slips or in some ways tell or check answers, use electronic equipment or items which have recorded relevant information, shall be given the punishment of academic probation; take the examination for other people, shall be given the punishment of, or above, academic probation.

  1. 由他人代替考试的,组织作弊的,使用通讯设备或其他器材作弊情节严重的,抢夺、窃取他人试卷、答卷或者强迫他人为自己抄袭提供方便的,向他人出售考试试题或答案牟取利益的,可以给予开除学籍处分;

C. Students who ask other people to take the examination for themselves, organize cheat, use communication equipment or other equipment which is identified as a severe violation, seize or steal other people’s examination paper or answer sheet, force other people to bring convenience to their cheating actions, or benefit from selling other people the questions or answers, may be given the punishment of academic dismissal.

  1. 学生有其他考试违纪行为的,可视情节参照上述条款给予相应处分。

D. Students who conduct other violations shall be given the punishments according to the clauses above.

第三十条 违反学术纪律的,依照学校学术纪律处分规定予以处理。

Article 30 Students, who violates academic disciplines, shall be managed according to the regulations on academic disciplines.

第三十一条 本细则没有列举的违纪行为,应当给予处分的,可参照本细则相关条款给予处分。

Article 31 Any violations, which are not listed in this Rules and shall be punished, shall be given the punishment according to the relevant clauses of this Rules.

Supplementary Articles

第三十二条 本细则中涉及的以上均包含本数或本级别。

Article 32 All the “above” in this Rules indicated include this punishment or this level.

第三十三条 不属于本细则第二条规定的其他各类学生的违纪行为可参照本细则进行处理。国际学生的违纪处理同时执行《山东大学国际学生违纪处分补充规定》。

Article 33 The students to whom are not applicable, can be managed according to these Rules. The management of the International students’ violation shall execute the Supplementary Regulations on the Disciplinary Violation of International Students in Shandong University at the same time.

第三十四条 给予威海校区学生警告、严重警告、记过、留校察看处分,由威海校区学生违纪处理委员会按程序作出处理决定;给予威海校区学生开除学籍处分,由威海校区学生违纪处理委员会按程序提出处分建议,提交校长办公会研究后作出处理决定。

Article 34 The decisions to give the punishment of warning, serious warning, record a demerit and academic probation to students in Weihai Campus are suggested by the Students Disciplinary committee in Weihai Campus, and made by the president office after discussion.

第三十五条 本细则由学生工作委员会负责解释。

Article 35 The student affairs committee of Shandong University is responsible for the interpretation of these Rules.

第三十六条 本细则自201791日起实施,原《山东大学学生违纪处分实施细则》(山大学字〔201526号)同时废止。

Article 36 These Rules shall be implemented with effect from September 1st, 2017. The original Rules for Implementation of Disciplinary Violation of Students in Shandong University (Shandong University [2015] No.26) shall be repealed simultaneously.



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