
Regulations on the Management of Undergraduates Status at Shandong University
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Regulations on the Management of Undergraduates Status at Shandong University

第一章 总 则

Section One:  General Regulations

第一条 为规范学校学生管理行为,维护正常的教育教学秩序和生活秩序,保障学生合法权益,培养德智体美全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人,依据《中华人民共和国高等教育法》《中华人民共和国学位条例》《普通高等学校学生管理规定》(中华人民共和国教育部令第41号)等法律法规和《山东大学章程》,结合我校实际,制定本规定。

Article 1. In accordance with the laws and regulations including the Higher Education Law of the People’s Republic of China, Regulations on the Degree of the People’s Republic of China and the Student Management Stipulation of the General Institutes of Higher Education (Order No. 41 of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China), and the practical situation of Shandong University, we have established these regulations in order to standardize the management of student’s behavior of the school and to maintain the normal education and teaching order, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of students and to nurture socialist builders and successors featuring an all-round development in morality, intelligence, physique and art.

第二条 本规定适用于在山东大学接受普通高等学历教育的全日制本科学生。留学生、交流生、进修生等学生的学籍管理参照本规定执行。

Article 2. These regulations shall apply to all full-time undergraduate students accepting general higher education at Shandong University. The management of enrolling international students, exchange students and students engaged in advanced studies shall refer to these regulations.


第三条 学生管理坚持以学生的成长发展为中心,尊重和保护学生的合法权利,教育和引导学生承担应尽的义务与责任,鼓励和支持学生实行自我管理、自我服务、自我教育、自我监督。

Article 3. Students Management  should  persist  in taking  the development of students at the fore center, respect and protect the students’ legal rights, educate and guide students to assume their obligations and responsibilities, by encouraging and supporting students to carry out self-management, self-service, self-education and self supervision.

第四条 学校实行学分制管理。课程学分和毕业学分要求由专业培养方案规定。

Article 4. The university adopts a Credit System Management. The course credit and graduate requirement for credit are prescribed by the educational plan.


第五条 学校实行弹性修业年限。学生可在标准学制的基础上提前一年或推迟两年毕业。标准学制由专业培养方案规定。

Article 5. The university adopts a flexible duration of schooling. The student can graduate one (1) year in advance or delay two (2) years on the basis of the standard educational system that is prescribed by the educational plan.


第六条 学校实行每学年两学期制,暑期学校作为正常教学的有益补充。

Article 6. The university adopts a system of two (2) semesters in each academic year, and the summer school plays a useful supplement to normal teaching.


第七条 学校实行专业大类招生,学生可根据相关规定通过专业分流、转专业等方式确定修读专业。

Article 7. The university recruits students according to the majors in different categories. The students can decide which majors to select by changing majors or major distribution according to the relevant regulations.

第二章 学生的权利与义务

Section Two  Rights and Obligations of Students

第八条 学生在校期间依法享有下列权利:

Article 8. The students shall enjoy the following rights during school:


A. Join in the educational activities arranged by the university and use the educational resources provided by the university;


B. Participate in social practice, volunteer service, work-study program, recreational sports activities and scientific and technological innovation activities, etc. Obtain the guidance and services of employment and enterprising.


C. Apply for scholarships, grants and student loans, etc.;


D. Obtain a fair evaluation from a moral perspectives and academic achievement. Get the corresponding academic certificate and degree certificate after finishing the studies prescribed by the university;


E. Participate in school management in an appropriate way in the various school organizations and student groups, and have the rights to know, to participate in, to express and to supervise their school affairs and interests;


F. The claim to the school or educational administrative department is accepted when there is any objection to the sanction or conduct from the school; the claim or lawsuit according to the law is accepted when there is violation of legal rights and interests such as personal and property rights conducted by the school and its faculty;


G. Other rights specified by the laws and regulations of China and rules and regulations of the school.

第九条 学生在校期间依法履行下列义务:

Article 9. The students should perform the following obligations during school:


A.Comply with the constitution, laws and regulations of China;


B. Comply with the rules and regulations of the school;


C.Adhere to the academic ethics and complete the required studies;


D. Pay the tuition and other related expenses, perform the corresponding obligation of obtaining loans and grants;


E.Comply with the codes of conduct for students, respect teachers and form good moral character and habit of behavior;


F.Perform other obligations prescribed by the laws and regulations of China and rules and regulations of the school.

第三章 入学与注册

Section Three  Enrollment and Registration

第十条 被山东大学录取的新生应持《山东大学录取通知书》,按学校有关要求和规定的期限到校办理入学手续。因故不能按期入学者,应以书面形式向学校请假,请假一般不超过两周。未请假或者请假逾期的,除因不可抗力等正当事由以外,视为放弃入学资格。

Article 10. The new students should register for enrollment on time with the Admission Notice of Shandong University. Students who fail to arrive on time should submit a written application for approval. For most cases this period of absence is limited to a maximum of two (2) weeks. If a student leaves without permission or the period of absence exceeds the permitted time, except for force majeure, the enrollment will be revoked..

第十一条 学校在报到时对新生入学资格进行初步审查,审查合格的办理入学手续,予以注册学籍;审查发现新生的录取通知、考生信息等证明材料,与本人实际情况不符,或者有其他违反国家招生考试规定情形的,按规定程序取消其入学资格。

Article 11. At the time of registration, the school shall conduct a preliminary examination of the new students' qualification for admission. The school shall register the qualified students according to the admission procedures and establish the student status. If the new students’ proof materials such as the admission notice and examinee information do not tally with the actual situation, or if there are other situations in violation of the provisions of the national entrance examination, the qualification for admission will be canceled in accordance with the prescribed procedures.

第十二条 新生因疾病、不可抗力以及其他特殊原因导致不能如期正常入校学习的,可以申请保留入学资格,期限最长为一年。保留入学资格期间不具有学籍。

Article 12. New students who fail to arrive on time due to suffering from illness/es, confronting force majeure or other special reasons will retain the qualification for admission for a maximum of one (1) year. However, the students with retaining qualification have no student status.


The new students with retaining qualification need to apply for admission to the school before the expiration of the qualification for admission. The students who retain qualification for illness/es can apply to be re-examined in the school appointed hospital and be confirmed to be qualified to re-register with the freshman next year. The admission of students who fail the re-examination, their registration will be revoked and if the student did not register within the required period without any justified reason the registration will also be revoked.  

第十三条 学生入学后,学校在3个月内按照国家招生规定进行复查。主要包括以下方面:

Article 13. After the enrollment, in accordance with the admission requirements of China, the school will check the qualification in three (3) months, including the following criteria:


A. Whether the admission formalities and procedures are in accordance with the national admission requirements;


B.Whether the qualification for admission is true and in accordance with the relevant regulations;


C.Whether the student and the identification are consistent with the admission notice and the examinee information;


D.Whether students’ physical and mental health condition is conformed to the physical requirements of the major or major category and can ensure normal study and life in school;


E. Whether the professional level of the arts, sports and other special types and students are in line with the admission requirements.


In the re-examination, the students who receive student status through deception or favouritism and commits irregularities will be disqualified and their student’s status will be canceled; the students with severe violation will be sent to the related departments.


In the re-examination, of students whose physical and mental condition are not fit to study at school and is diagnosed by the school appointed hospital ranked at least two, grade A and required to rest at home, the school will retain the qualification in accordance with the provisions

第十四条 在校生必须在每学期开学时按学校规定办理注册手续。不能如期注册的,应当以书面方式向学校提交暂缓注册申请并获批准。未按期注册超过两周且未办理相关手续的,视为自动放弃学籍。未按规定缴纳学宿费及其他有关费用或有其他不符合注册条件的学生,不予注册。未注册者不得参与学校的教育教学活动。

Article 14. The students shall register for enrollment on time at the beginning of every semester. Those who cannot register on time should submit a written application of request for deferred registration and receive permission and approval. A student is not allowed to register beyond the allotted period exceeding two (2) weeks according to the requirements of the school, or the enrollment will be revoked. The students who do not pay the tuition and accommodation fees or other related expenses or have other problems that do not conform to the registered condition will not be allowed to register. Unregistered students shall not participate in the school educational teaching activities.


The students with economic difficulties can apply for student loans or other forms of grants stipulated by the school, and register after completing the related formalities.

第四章 修课与学分

Section Four  Courses and Credits

第十五条 学校实行学生选课自主负责制。学生应按专业培养方案要求选课,每学期选修一般不超过35学分的课程。

Article 15. Students of the university shall choose the courses independently. Students shall choose the courses according to the educational plan which shall not exceed thirty-five (35) credits every semester.

第十六条 学生根据学校相关规定提出申请,经学校批准并缴纳相关费用后,可选修其他专业的课程。

Article 16. Students can apply to minor in other majors according to the related provisions of the university, after approval of the university and payments of the relevant fees.

第十七条 学生选修相关课程,参与考核并获得合格及以上成绩的,可获得该课程对应的学分。

Article 17. Students can obtain corresponding credits of the courses by choosing the elective courses, participate in the examinations and obtain the grades above qualified.

第十八条 学校允许学生自修部分课程,学生须在开课两周内向任课教师提出申请办理自修手续。申请自修的学生,应按要求参加过程考核、期中考核和期末考核,以获得相应的成绩评价。思想政治理论课、体育课、军事课、实验课、专业实习和社会实践等必修课程不得申请自修。

Article 18. The university allows students to apply for self study of some courses. The students shall apply for self-study in two (2) weeks before the start of the course. The students who apply for self-study shall take part in the process examination, mid-term examination and final examination as required in order to obtain the corresponding performance evaluation. Some required courses cannot be applied for as self-study such as the ideological and political theory course, physical education class, experimental lessons, professional practice and social practice.

第十九条 学生参加学校认可的开放式网络课程学习以及根据校际协议在其他学校修读的课程所取得的成绩和学分,经学校审核同意后予以认定。转学、转专业和国内外校际交流的学生可申请课程置换。课程置换由学院根据学校有关规定和专业培养要求进行确认,并在每学期成绩登录前完成。

Article 19. The courses and credits obtained in open-online courses recognized by the school and the courses of other universities according to the inter-university agreement can be recognized after checking with the university. The students who transfer university or major and the exchange students of domestic and abroad can apply for course replacement which shall be conducted according to the relevant regulations of the school and requirements of the major before the recording of the grades every semester.

第二十条 因健康原因不能参加正常体育课、课外体育锻炼和体质测评的学生可由本人申请,经校医院签署意见后报学校同意,参加保健体育课的学习和考核。

Article 20. The students who cannot take part in the physical education classes, extracurricular physical training and physical measurement because of health reasons can apply to participate in the learning and assessment of the “Health Care Physical Course” after the approval of the university with the relevant documents signed by the university hospital.

第五章 考核与成绩记载

Section Five Evaluation and Recording

第二十一条 学生须参加专业培养方案规定的课程和各种教育教学环节 (以下统称课程)  的考核,获得的成绩记入成绩单,并归入学籍档案。


Article 21. Students who participates in the courses prescribed in the educational plan and the examinations of the educational teaching steps (hereinafter collectively referred to as courses). The results obtained will be credited to the transcript and the students’ status. The students who do not pass the examinations required and the selective course of the students’ educational plan will be required to retake the course. The credit of the selective course types that students select should meet the requirements of the educational plan.

第二十二条 学校实行学分绩点管理。课程成绩记录和学分绩点的计算按照学校有关学分制管理的相关文件执行。

Article 22. The university adopts a credit accumulation point’s management system. The recording of course grades and calculation of credit accumulation points shall be performed according to the regulations of the credit system of Shandong University.

第二十三条 课程考核成绩由过程考核、期中考核和期末考核成绩等构成;体育成绩评定根据考勤、课内教学、课外锻炼活动和体质健康等情况综合评定。

Article 23. The course examination result is composed of the grades of the process examination, mid-term examination and final examination. The evaluation of the sports performance is based on attendance, in-class teaching, extracurricular exercise and physical fitness.

第二十四条 未办理选课手续不得参加相关课程的考核。

Article 24. The students who do not register and choose the courses cannot take part in the examination of the corresponding courses.

第二十五条 除第十八条规定情形外,学生必须按时上课并完成各教学环节。因故不能上课,须征得授课教师批准。未经批准或无故缺课累计达到该门课程三分之一以上学时者,取消考试资格,该门课程成绩记为0分。

Article 25. The students must take classes on time and complete each teaching steps accordingly, except for those who apply for self-study (stipulated in Article 18). Student who cannot attend classes must obtain approval from the teacher. If a student is absent without permission or absent for more than one third (1/3) of the total periods in which that subject is held, the student cannot join in the examination and the grades of the courses will be recorded as zero.

第二十六条 学生因故不能参加期末考试时,须办理缓考手续,学校适时统一组织考试。未办理缓考手续而不参加考试或者虽参加考试但不上交试卷的,按旷考处理,该门课程成绩记为0分。

Article 26. If a student cannot take part in the final examination, the student must submit an application for postponement to the relevant school with the pertinent supporting documents. The postponed examination will be arranged by the school after the final examination. The student who neither go through the procedures of postponement nor participate in the examination will be regarded as absent without permission. The student who takes the examination but doesn’t submit the paper shall also be regarded as absent without permission. The grades of the course shall be recorded as zero (0).

第二十七条 学生重修课程应办理重修手续。对于百分制学分绩点低于70分的课程进行重修时,首次重修免费,二次及以上时,须按学校规定缴纳相应费用。

Article 27. Students who did not pass the examinations and are not satisfied with the scores can retake the courses in accordance with the required procedures. The first time to retake the courses is free of charge; however, the second time, a certain cost will be charged according to the regulations of the school for those whose credit grade point is below seventy (70).

第二十八条 凡考试违纪或者作弊者,取消其考试资格,该门课程成绩记为0分,并依据学校有关规定给予相应处分。

Article 28. If students break the examination rules or cheat in the examinations, then the grades of the courses will be invalid and shall be recorded as zero. The students will be punished according to the relevant regulations of the school.

第二十九条 学校鼓励、支持学生参加社会实践、创新创业等活动,并为学生建立创新创业档案。学生参加社会实践、创新创业等活动以及发表论文、获得专利授权、竞赛获奖等与专业学习、学业要求相关的经历和成果,学校根据有关规定认定创新学分。

Article 29. The school supports and encourages students to participate in activities such as social practice and innovation, and creates innovation and entrepreneurial files for them. When students participate in these two kinds of activities, publish papers, obtain patent licenses, win awards in contests or gain any other experiences and results relating to their professional and academic requirements, the school will determine their innovation credit according to the relevant regulations.

第三十条 学校以真实、完整的记录出具学生学业成绩。对通过重修获得的成绩,如实标注。

Article 30. The school shall issue students’ academic achievements with real and complete records. For the students who obtained grades through the process of restudy, the transcript shall be labeled truthfully.

第三十一条 学生因退学等情况中止学业时,其在校学习期间所修课程及所获学分,学校记入学籍档案并出具成绩单。学生重新参加入学考试,符合录取条件,再次入校学习时,其已修课程和学分,由学校根据现行培养方案进行审核和认定。

Article 31When a student suspends his studies due to withdrawal, the courses and credits which he or she has gained shall be recorded into the student status file and the school shall give the student a report card. When they re-enter the entrance examination and meet the admission requirements, the completed courses and credits shall be reviewed and determined by the school in accordance with the current training programme when they come back to school to study.

第六章 转专业与转学

Section Six Changing Majors and Schools

第三十二条 在读一、二年级学生,达到学校规定的转专业成绩要求,或通过学校组织的转专业考试,或因特殊原因不能在原专业继续学习者,经学生申请并获得接收学院同意,可以转入新的专业学习。休学创业或退役后复学的学生,因自身原因需要转专业学习的,同等情况下,学校优先考虑。

Article 32. Students in their first 1st or second (2nd) year can apply to transfer to another school of Shandong University and study a new major with the approval of the receiving school when they meet the following requirements: Meeting the academic performance requirement for changing majors prescribed by the university; or passing the examination for changing majors organized by the university; or cannot study the original major because of special disease. Under the same circumstances, students who remain away from school to start up new businesses or have been discharged/retired from the army to resume studies will be given priority when they need to transfer to another school for their own reasons.

第三十三条 学生一般应在学校完成全部学业。因病或者有特殊困难、特别需要,无法在校继续学习或者不适应学校学习要求的,可以申请转学。有下列情形之一者,不得转学:

Article 33. In general, students should complete their studies in Shandong University. Due to special circumstances, in which students cannot continue to study or adapt to the study requirements in Shandong University, they can apply to transfer to another university. However, students in the following categories will not be allowed to transfer:


A. Students in their first (1st) semester of school or who are in their third (3rd) year of studies or further;


B. The college entrance examination grades are lower than that of the corresponding year of the same local institution of the relevant major of the school;


C. Students who have transferred from a low level education to a higher education level;


D. Students who have been admitted as directional employment;


E. Other unreasonable reasons.


Due to the change of the school training conditions other than the student’s own cause, the school will give a confirmation and coordinate with the Department of the Shandong Provincial Educational Administration to conduct the transfer formalities.

第三十四条 对于申请转入的学生,经学生所在学校同意,我校按有关规定进行审核,对符合条件者,经学校校长办公会或专题会议研究同意后,按照教育部相关文件要求办理转入手续。

Article 34. For students who have applied to transfer to Shandong University, after the approval of the student’s school, our school will verify in accordance with the relevant provisions. After the allowance of the meeting of the school principal or thematic conference, our school will conduct the transfer formalities for those qualified students according to the relevant documents of the department of Education.

第七章  学籍处理

Section Seven Management of the Student Records

第三十五条 学籍处理方式主要包括成绩警示、留级、休学、复学、退学等形式。

Article 35. The approaches for the management of students include performance warning, staying down, suspension of schooling, resuming studies and dismissal from the university.

第三十六条 对于平均每学期所修培养方案内规定课程不足15学分的,学校给予成绩警示。

Article 36. The students who fail to earn fifteen (15) credits specified in the educational plan every semester will receive warning grades.

第三十七条 学生必修课和专业选修课不合格达到25学分时,须降入下一年级修读。

Article 37. Students who fail to pass the compulsory and elective courses for twenty-five (25) credits will not be allowed to advance to the next grade level.

第三十八条 休学与复学:

Article 38. Postponing and Resuming Studies:


A. Students can complete their studies in stages. In addition to the following circumstances, students should complete their studies in the maximum period of study (including suspension and retention) stipulated by the school.


a. Students who have to suspend due to illness or force majeure may apply for suspension from their studies. Leave of absence by student is generally no more than one (1) years.


b. Students can apply for suspension to start their business one or more times, but the cumulative period of it shall not exceed four (4) years.


B. Students (including freshmen and enrolled students) who are enlisted in the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (including Chinese Armed Police Force) shall go through the formalities to request leave from studies; however, the admission qualification or student status will be retained for only one (1) year after.


Students can participate in cross-school joint training programs which are recognized by the school. During that time, the student status will be retained by the school.


Students should establish management relationships with the actual forces, schools and other organizations.


C. Students should conduct the procedure for suspension. The school will retain their study status during the suspension. Students who are on leave from study will not enjoy the same rights as the students at school. The medical expenses will be charged according to the regulation of the university.


D. When the period of postponement is over, the student should apply to resume studies to the school before the beginning of the semester. After the review of the university, the student can go through the formalities of resuming studies.

第三十九条 学生有下列情形之一者,学校予以退学处理;

Article 39. Students in the following categories will be subject to dismissal from the university:


A. The academic performance did not meet the requirements of the school or students who have not completed their studies in the expected time period;


B. Students who do not follow the necessary procedures and or time table for resuming interrupted studies on time or whose application to resume studies is rejected;


C. Students who are diagnosed with injuries or disabilities by the schools designated hospital such that they cannot carry on normal studies;


D. Students who do not attend classes and or compulsory activities for two (2) or more weeks without permission;


E. Students who do not register within the scheduled time without valid reasons;


E. Other situations that would cause students not to complete their studies and should be expelled from the school.


For those students who decide to leave the university themselves, they can go through the formalities of suspending studies after the review of the university.

第四十条 退学学生应在一周内办理退学手续并离校,其档案退回家庭所在地,户口迁回原户籍地或者家庭户籍所在地。

Article 40. Students who drop out of school should go through the formalities of suspending studies and leave the school within one week. The file will be returned to the address where the family is located and the registered residence will be moved back to the original domicile or family domicile.

第八章 毕业与结业

Section Eight Graduation and completion

第四十一条 学生在学校规定的学习年限内,修完专业培养方案规定内容,成绩合格,达到学校毕业要求的,准予毕业,并在学生离校前颁发毕业证书。

Article 41. Students who have completed all the courses specified in the educational plan within the regulated study duration and obtained the regulated number of credits will receive the graduation diplomas.


Students who have met the graduation requirements and obtain the grade-point average (GPA) of seventy (70) and more and meet the requirement of the Degree Regulations of the People’s Republic of China without serious academic violation will receive a degree certificate after the examination and approval of the academic degrees evaluation committee of Shandong University.

第四十二条 学生在完成本专业学习的同时,跨学科门类选修其他专业课程,达到学位授予条件的,经学校学位评定委员会审核同意,授予其第二学士学位。

Article 42. After completing the study of their own major’s, students who fulfill the requirements to cross majors or professional interdisciplinary categories and meet the requirement to be awarded a degree will receive the second (2nd ) degree certificate after the examination and approval of the academic degrees evaluated by the committee of Shandong University.

第四十三条 已选修专业培养方案规定的全部内容,但学分未达到毕业要求且修业年限超出学校规定的最长修业年限者,经学校审核后作结业处理,颁发结业证书。

Article 43. Students who have completed all the required coursework but have failed to obtain the credits required for graduation and the study duration exceeds the limitation of studies permitted by the university, will be given a certificate recognizing the completion of their courses which is regarded by the university as a permanent completion of the study.


Students, who have studied for more than one (1) year and leave the university without completion of the required coursework, will be given a certificate of completion; those who have studied for less than one (1) year will be given a certificate of dropout.

第九章 学业证书管理

Section Nine Management of Certificate

第四十四条 学校按照招生录取时填报的学生个人信息,填写和颁发学历证书、学位证书及其他学业证书。

Article 44. The school shall fill out and issue the certificates of education, degree and others in accordance with the personal information of the students which was completed at the time of the college enrollment.


If a student changes his or her name, date of birth or other personal information required to be filled in the certificate, he or she should have reasonable and sufficient reasons and provide the relevant supporting documents which have legal effect. After the school has approved the approval, the necessary procedures relating to the changes shall be fulfilled in a timely manner.

第四十五条 学校执行高等教育学籍学历电子注册管理制度,及时完成学生学籍学历电子注册。

Article 45. The school shall implement the electronic registration of students and certificate records in time when they carry out the “higher education student and certificate records” electronic registration management system.

第四十六条 对违反国家招生规定取得入学资格或者学籍的,学校取消其学籍,不发学历证书、学位证书;对已发的学历证书、学位证书,学校依法予以撤销。对以作弊、剽窃、抄袭等学术不端行为或者其他不正当手段获得学历证书、学位证书的,学校依法予以撤销。

Article 46. For those who have obtained admission requirements or academic status in violation of the enrollment regulations of the state, the school shall cancel the academic status and not give them the degree certificate and academic certificate. As for the certificates which have been granted, the university has the rights to revoke it according to the law. The school shall revoke both certificates in case of cheating, plagiarism or other academic misconduct or improper means.


As for the degrees which have been registered, the university shall write them off and report to the administrative department for education that the certificates are invalid.

第四十七条 学历证书和学位证书遗失或者损坏,学校不予补发。可经本人申请,学校档案馆审核后出具相应的证明书。证明书与原证书具有同等效力。

Article 47. If a student’s certificates and or diplomas are lost or destroyed, the student will not receive another certificate. But, the student can apply to the archives center. Once approval is granted by the university archives, a testimonial of study can be issued confirming the student’s studies and the attainment of the relevant certificates.

第十章 附则

Section Ten Supplementary Articles

第四十八条 本规定自201791日起施行。原《山东大学本科学生学籍管理规定》(山大教字〔201345号)同时废止。学校其他相关文件中与本规定不一致的,以本规定为准。

Article 48. These regulations shall come into force from September 1, 2017. The original “Regulations for the Management of Undergraduate at Shandong University” (Shandajiaozi2007No. 68) shall be repealed at the same time. Where other relevant documents in the school are inconsistent with this regulation, the provisions prevail.

第四十九条 本规定由本科生院负责解释。

Article 49. The Undergraduate Department of Shandong University reserves all the rights of the regulations.


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